Additional Laboratory Testing

In addition to the conventional oil tests performed by our laboratory, we provide an extensive array of supplementary tests. These tests enable you to monitor the well-being of other vital substances within your site and equipment.

Coolant plays a crucial role in the engine cooling system, aiding heat transfer within the internal system and sometimes providing lubrication to components. To ensure your coolants consistently perform their functions, regular monitoring of their condition through coolant testing is an excellent practice to maintain their optimal working condition.

When conducting coolant testing, we assess the following parameters:

  • Glycol volume - Verify that it is at the appropriate levels to prevent freezing in the cooling system.
  • Ferrous wear index - Monitor the levels of rust particles circulating within the system.
  • Resistivity - High resistivity suggests a low content of free ions and ion forming particles, typically indicating a low concentration of conductive contaminants.
  • pH - Measure of the coolant's acidity or alkalinity. While a coolant's neutralisation number is related to the quantity of acid or base-forming materials, pH indicates their intensity.

Greases operate under extremely high loads, delivering lubrication to critical components within your systems. Conducting tests on your greases can yield valuable insights into potential wear, enabling proactive maintenance before a major failure occurs.

When analysing greases, our testing procedures include:

  • Full element analysis - This evaluates wear metals and additive levels in the provided grease samples, providing comprehensive insights.
  • Ferrous wear index - This assessment helps determine the presence of rust particles or other ferrous elements, offering valuable information about potential wear.
  • Water count - Monitoring the water content in the grease is crucial to assess any potential entry of water, which could reduce lubricity and contribute to increased wear.

The usage of AdBlue in diesel vehicles is becoming more widespread today. It is incorporated to assist in breaking down harmful nitrogen oxides emitted by diesel engines. To ensure that your AdBlue is effectively achieving its purpose of neutralizing these harmful emissions, analysing it may be crucial to verify its quality.

We provide our customers with a cost-effective customised analysis of AdBlue to assess its condition and verify that it meets the required standards and performance levels. Our testing includes:

  • Density - This involves measuring the specific gravity of the liquid, which is the ratio of its density compared to a standard, typically water.
  • Urea content - Urea is a crucial component in reducing harmful gases, and ensuring the appropriate urea content is vital for optimal AdBlue performance.
  • Ferrous Wear - The ferrous wear index is examined to monitor the condition of the AdBlue storage tank, providing insights into potential wear or contamination issues.
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