Oil Testing

Oil, Fuel & Fluid Testing

Unlocking Insights and Enhancing Performance!

Conducting oil analysis on the lubricants used in machinery equipment is a proactive and environmentally responsible strategy to ensure that these lubricants provide essential protection and heat transfer capabilities while extending their lifespan. FA-ST collaborates with an independent ISO-accredited oil analysis laboratory, offering a comprehensive range of testing packages to evaluate critical factors such as cleanliness levels, viscosity, and wear monitoring all aimed at optimising resource use and reducing waste.

In addition to our in-depth laboratory testing services, we offer various products for on-site lubricant testing, enabling you to assess oil condition efficiently without the need for frequent sample shipment. This helps streamline the process while supporting sustainability efforts by minimising transport emissions and resource consumption.

Lube Oil Testing

Engaging in oil testing at our laboratory provides users with a comprehensive understanding of their fluid's condition. Our meticulous analysis of the provided samples results in a detailed report, delving into three vital factors that are essential for assessing the health and performance of any operational fluid.

Our Lube Oils Testing Covers:

Contaminants Assessment

Our laboratory examines samples for potential contaminants like dust, fibers, and water. Detecting these elements is crucial as they can lead to clogged filters, contributing to increased abrasive wear and viscosity alterations.

Wear Particle Monitoring

Utilising wear particle analysis, components can be consistently monitored. This proactive approach enables timely intervention, preventing potential operational disruptions and critical failures.

Chemical Composition Analysis

Assessing the chemical makeup is pivotal for determining essential factors like additive depletion and viscosity levels. Understanding these aspects is crucial in maintaining the fluid's optimal performance.

Diesel Fuel Testing

Diesel fuel is essential across various industries, powering numerous applications. As engine performance advances, reduced component tolerances make poor fuel quality increasingly problematic. Our diesel testing service identifies issues such as water build-up, mis-fuelling, contamination, and more. Trust FA-ST's bespoke EN590 testing to monitor these critical fuel factors. Ensure the quality of your road diesel with our specialized analysis service.

Our Diesel Testing covers:

Wear Testing on Diesel Fuel

All diesel samples analyised at our lab will under go the following testing to identify wear particles:

Ferrous Wear - This test is mainly to determine the condition of the tank, if the fuel is stored in an older metal tank then rusting could be occuring. The FW index will identify magnetic particlaes in the fuel.

Our Fuel Analysis can detect contamination:

  • Particulates - High levels cause issues with injectors and cause other damage.
  • Flammable Substances - Identify if the diesel has been contaminated with a flammable substance. Good indicator of mis-fuelling
  • AdBlue - Potential serious damage caused to the fuel system (Sample requires free water)
  • Water - A common issue due to diesel "sweating"
  • FAME - With Biofuels widely used monitor the FAME levels to prevent damage to engine components.

The Chemistry Tests include:

  • Density - Also known as the specific gravity. A comparison against the Cetane rating, this Indirectly an point to other sources of contamination.
  • Diesel Bug Detection - Infections grow and develop in dirt wet fuel.
  • Sulphur (add on) - Recommended for boat owners, users of red diesel or old diesel only

Additional Laboratory Fluid Analysis

Beyond analyzing lube oil and diesel fuel, our laboratory excels in a wide range of fluid analyses tailored for your needs. Whether you need to assess the insulation integrity of transformer oils, ensure optimal properties of coolants and glycols, evaluate grease efficiency, or check the quality of AdBlue, our extensive tests cover it all. Count on our expert analysis to ensure your fluids meet the highest performance standards. Protect your equipment's health and efficiency with our comprehensive fluid testing services, providing you with invaluable insights.

On-Site Oil Testing

Complementing our laboratory analysis services, FA-ST offers a selection of products for swift on-site oil testing. Eliminate sample delays with our patch analysis test kits, designed to monitor particulate contamination. Choose the oil spy test kit for detecting fuel dilution in engines. Explore our comprehensive lineup, including Kolor Kut Gauging Pastes and Diesel Bug Testing Dipslides. Discover these essential tools for efficient oil analysis today.

Engineer on-site oil testing
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