
Bypass Filtration Systems

The Bypass Filter System represents a highly efficient Oil Filtration Solution that diverts only a small fraction of the overall Oil flow through an exceptionally dense filter cartridge, achieving a flow rate of approximately 3 to 4 litres per minute. This optimised flow velocity enables the removal of particles as small as 1 micron (with a 3-micron absolute rating) and the elimination of an impressive 99.95% of all water content.

The benefits of Bypass Filtration system are manifold, including the significant reduction of wear and the extension of Oil life. In fact, it can extend the lifespan of both regular Oil up to five times and Hydraulic Oil up to ten times. Moreover, this system effectively reduces engine and component wear, substantially minimises downtime, and offers the capability to capture particles as small as 1 micron (with a 3-micron absolute rating).

It’s worth noting that the system is suitable for application in both engines and hydraulic systems.

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