
When a Hydraulic system succumbs to contamination, encompassing elements such as water, metal fragments, dirt particles, and various foreign debris, the task of completely eradicating all contaminants from the entire system becomes an arduous and often unattainable endeavour, necessitating extensive disassembly and meticulous cleaning. Among the culprits, water ranks as one of the primary adversaries, posing a substantial threat to hydraulic Oil systems.

Water infiltration triggers two detrimental effects with far-reaching consequences: emulsification and thickening of the Oil. Both outcomes significantly compromise the effectiveness and lubricating capabilities of the Oil, unleashing a cascade of potential issues. Fortunately, the Bypass Filter System serves as a formidable solution, diligently guarding against these issues and bestowing upon you the reassurance that you’ve taken decisive measures to curtail, if not entirely eliminate, the need for costly hydraulic oil replacements.


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