
FA-ST offers a diverse selection of Kleenoil Oil Filter Cartridges that are compatible with a wide range of Oil Viscosities, including Oils up to 120 Viscosity Grade. Our comprehensive range encompasses Oil Filters designed for efficient filtration and the removal of high levels of contamination.

In addition, we provide Oil Filter polishing cartridges that play a crucial role in maintaining the purity of Oils, preventing the accumulation of contamination within systems. These Oil Filter Cartridges excel in removing both particulate contamination and water from Oils. They exhibit a filter fineness of 1μm nominal and 3μm absolute ensuring effective filtration.

With a temperature operating range of 0-135°C and a tolerance of +/- 5°C, these Oil Filter Cartridges are highly adaptable to various conditions. Its important to note that the specified Oil volumes are pertinent only when a single filter housing is installed.


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